Early Childhood K-2

  • Kindergarten Registration 2024

    If your child is five years old on or before September 1, 2024, they may register for kindergarten! Visit the BISD enrollment page for more details. 

    TEA Required Reading Assessment

    The state of Texas requires a reading assessment for all K-2 students to be administered three times a year. BISD is currently using MAP Growth Assessment. The assessment data provides information about the percentage of students who are “on target” or “still developing” in foundational skills of reading (such as letters and sounds, phonemic awareness, rhyming, beginning, middle and ending sounds in words, etc.), comprehension, vocabulary, writing, and language. The data also shows growth achieved by the student throughout the year. Using MAP data, along with other assessments, BISD teachers are able to identify students who may have reading difficulties and provide targeted intervention to help students reach grade-level goals.

    Early Childhood Texas

     The Texas Education Agency is proud to announce the launch of Early Childhood Texas, a one-stop shop to access information about early childhood programs and resources available to you!

    The Early Childhood Texas website offers Texans information and resources in the following areas:

    • Health and Development: child development (including resources for children with special needs), nutrition, health tips, and healthcare
    • Parenting: child safety, parenting tips and support, and at-home learning activities
    • Child Care and Education: childcare and after-school programs, prekindergarten, Head Start, and Early Childhood Special Education
    • Eligibility Programs: state-sponsored programs and assistance opportunities for Texas families

K-2 Curriculum Standards

Standards-Based Report Cards for K-1