Kindergarten Enrollment

  • Burleson ISD Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins April 1, 2025.

    Kindergarten is a full-day program offered at all elementary schools for students who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2025.

    How to Register: 

    • Complete online registration at Skyward New Student Online Enrollment. If you currently have a student enrolled in the district, you can log into Skyward Family Access using your current Skyward username and password and select the New Student Registration tab.  You will need your student’s home campus to register. To determine your home campus, visit BISD School Search.  

    **The following documents will need to be electronically uploaded during the enrollment process:

    • Student’s birth certificate
    • Social security card (optional)
    • Current immunization records
    • Proof of residency: Current electric or water bill AND a lease agreement or tax statement with current address
    • Parent/Guardian driver’s license or picture ID


    Kindergarten Registration Assistance

    For assistance with kindergarten registration, contact the registrar for your student’s home campus. To find your home campus (your zoned school), visit: Burleson ISD School Search.

    Academy at Nola Dunn: 817-245-3300
    Academy of the Arts at Bransom: 817-245-3600  
    Academy of Leadership & Technology at Mound: 817-245-3100
    Brock Elementary: 817-245-3800
    Clinkscale Elementary: 817-245-3900
    Frazier Elementary: 817-245-3000
    Hajek Elementary: 817-245-3700
    Norwood Environmental Science Academy: 817-245-3400
    STEAM Academy at Stribling: 817-245-3500
    Taylor Elementary: 817-245-3200

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know what school is my home campus?

  • If my child is on the waitlist for an elementary school of choice for Kindergarten, what should I do?