Facilities Use

Phone: 817-245-1014


Degrees and Certifications:

Facility Management

Rita Cole is currently managing Facilities Use. Please provide her with details of the event such as the date, time, location, custodial cleanup, and setup needs. After you provide her with the details, she will send you instructions on how to make your online reservations. Email Rita Cole at rcole@bisdmail.net.

Please note the following: 

Your organization will need to provide BISD with a Certificate of Liability Insurance of no less than $1,000,000 coverage. Please use Burleson ISD as the additional certificate holder.  Our address is:

1160 SW Wilshire 

Burleson, TX. 76028

  • If you are a district employee, and you are interested in becoming a monitor, please download the Monitor Agreement Form and return it to Rita Cole. 

    Monitor Agreement Form


    1.        Monitors are present for a purpose: to ensure that the District's facilities are treated with care and respect by guest users.

    2.        Arrive 15 minutes early, before the start of practice/games.

    3.        Leave 15 minutes after reservation end time, to ensure all trash is picked up and restrooms are checked (toilets are flushed, pick up trash and empty all trash cans).

    4.        If the monitor is unable to work, due to illness or schedule conflict, it is the monitor’s responsibility to find an approved backup monitor (someone who has monitored before at the scheduled location). Contact Rita Cole by EMAIL ONLY of any schedule changes/schedule conflicts.

    5.        *** The appropriate time to contact her cell phone is during business hours (7:00 AM-4:00 PM), not after hours (no texts, no phone calls to cell phone after hours). If you need assistance after hours, please contact Tyler Boswell at 817-629-3252

    6.        Be in attendance at all times during facility use. Station yourself inside the reserved areas at all times. The monitor should be alternating between gyms and hallways.

    7.        *** Monitor is required to remain at an assigned location for the duration of the reserved time, even if the guest user is a no show ***

    8.        While on duty, be alert and aware at all times – Monitors may use their phones, as long as they are actively monitoring (ex. – eyes on guest user activity while on the phone – DO NOT keep your eyes off guest user activity for an extended period of time).

    9.        If in the event a guest user brings music, it is at the Monitor’s discretion to allow the music – as long as it is within an acceptable volume and appropriate content.

    10.     Monitor is prohibited from bringing anyone with them while on duty (ex. – husband, children, and friends). Monitoring should be approached like any other job.

    11.     Monitor the halls outside of the gyms and the restrooms every 15 minutes and between practice/games.

    *** Restricted area of use: HALLS ***

    12.     Limit travel to the restrooms in the building.

    13.     Pick up trash between EACH practice/game. If it is the weekend, take all trash to the dumpster when your duty is complete.

    14.     If needed, mop/ wipe up any spills that may occur.

    15.     Playing in the halls or other parts of the building is prohibited (NO BOUNCING BALLS IN HALLWAYS).

    16.     Check to make sure all outside doors are locked when you leave, doors that are leading to the gym or area used.


    We appreciate your willingness to serve as a monitor for Burleson I.S.D. It is a great responsibility to represent our district and our goal should always be to serve our community with respect while using our facilities. 


    Facilities Rental AED Locations

    Campus - Areas - AED Locations
    Academy at Nola Dunn: Cafeteria Exit the cafe door towards the inside of the building, turn right

    BISD Stadium: Home side, main floor, next to the elevator.                                                                                                                                                                      Visitor side, next to concession Stand

    Bransom: Gym Exit gym doors and turn right. AED is in the main foyer

    Brock: Gym Exit the gym door towards the inside of the building, turn left

    Burleson HS:
              Band Football Field Outside of the indoor facility back door - north side of building                                                                                                       Auditorium Main foyer, right side when exiting auditorium doors       

               Dressing Rooms Exit and turn left, go to main foyer, turn right

              Softball Fields Outside of baseball concession stand, and the tennis complex     

              Baseball Fields On the outside of the concession stand

    Centennial HS:
           Auditorium Center wall, main foyer
           Black Box Theater Outside of the classroom, through double doors on the right. Located down the hall on the left
           Dressing Rooms Outside of the classroom, through double doors on the left. Located down the hall on the left
           Football Field Outside of restrooms on concession stand building

    Clinkscale: Gym Exit the gym door towards the inside of the building, turn right 

    Frazier: Gym Exit the gym door towards the inside of the building, turn left 

    Hajek: Gym Exit the gym door towards the inside of the building, turn left

    Hughes MS:
          7th Grade Gym Exit doors towards the building, go left, located on the left wall 

          Football Field Gray building, outside of the gate, next to the ticket window       

          Cafeteria Exit left to the main hallway, outside of the clinic on the left

    Kerr MS:
            Practice Gym Between the gyms in back hallway, and in the front foyer.                                                                                                                          Practice Field West wall of gray building at the football stadium

    Norwood: Gym To the right of the restrooms, main hallway
                    Cafeteria Exit cafe doors, turn right, down the hallway on the left

    Stribling: Gym Exit the door to the right of the stage, located across the hall.

    Taylor: Gym To the left of the restrooms, towards the main office

    The Venue: Main foyer of the Venue - right wall