Burleson ISD District Innovation Plan
Burleson ISD District of Innovation
Local Guidelines
The BISD District Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) created this District of Innovation Plan (DOIP) based on the Strategic Plan Goals to provide the increased flexibility needed to continue to fulfill the needs of our students and community. Careful consideration was given to the selection of the exemptions contained within this plan. Each exemption was chosen to allow BISD the opportunity to personalize and enhance learning for our students. Please refer to the “Scope of Exemption” on each section of the DOIP to determine if the exemption is intended for the entire district or specific campuses.
The Burleson ISD five year District of Innovation plan allows the district the discretion to be exempted from certain requirements of the Texas Education Code. BISD is a growing community with unique challenges. Giving our district local control of certain decisions will provide lasting positive effects on our students, parents, and community.
First Day of Instruction
TEC §25.0811 states: A school district may not begin student instruction prior to the 4th Monday of August.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Strategy #3 We will equip teachers with resources, training, and time necessary to achieve our strategic objectives.
Current Challenges
This law restricts the district from designing calendars that best meet our students’ needs.
Scope of Exemption
● District flexibility to start school earlier in August
● A more balanced fall and spring semester
● Alignment with college semesters to allow for more opportunities for college summer school
● Create more instructional time before STAAR/EOC/AP exams
Probationary Teacher Contracts
TEC §21.102(b) states: A probationary contract may not exceed one year for a person who has been employed as a teacher in public education for at least five of the eight years preceding employment with the district.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #1 We will design an engaging and challenging curriculum that develops each student’s ability to read, write, think, and defend.
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Strategy #3 We will equip teachers with resources, training, and time necessary to achieve our strategic objectives.
Strategy #4 We will establish a college-going culture on every BISD campus that intentionally prepares students for future endeavors.
Strategy #5 We will offer educational programs of choice that will nurture students’ unique talents and promote global citizenship.
Current Challenges
This law inhibits the district from having sufficient time to evaluate a teacher’s effectiveness in the classroom due to the timing of contracts relative to the schedule of state assessments or CTE course completion.
Scope of Exemption
● Upon exemption, all new contract employees will be subject to the probationary period set forth in TEC §21.102(c) which allows a teacher to remain on a probationary contract up to three (3) years. This will allow more time for the district to fairly and thoroughly assess an employee’s performance.
● Allow the district to foster a growth mindset within new teachers, including those employed from an industry trade and those employed for a specialized curriculum.
Minimum Attendance for Credit
TEC §25.092 states: Except as provided by this section, a student in any grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 may not be given credit or a final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90% of the days the class is offered.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #1 We will design an engaging and challenging curriculum that develops each student’s ability to read, write, think, and defend.
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Current Challenges
This law restricts students from advancing at a more rapid pace than the established curriculum.
Scope of Exemption
● With principal approval, and in unique and extenuating circumstances, this exemption provides the opportunity for students to advance at their own pace once mastery has been achieved without having to complete the mandatory seat time.
Campus Behavior Coordinator
TEC §37.0012 states: A person must be designated to serve as the campus behavior coordinator who is primarily responsible for maintaining student discipline and implementation of Chapter 37.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #4 We will establish a college-going culture on every BISD campus that intentionally prepares students for future endeavors.
Strategy #5 We will offer educational programs of choice that will nurture students’ unique talents and promote global citizenship.
Current Challenges
This law inhibits the campus administrative team from establishing a culture of responsibility and expectations.
Scope of Exemption
● By eliminating the Campus Behavior Coordinator designation, Burleson ISD leaves the responsibility for management and oversight of campus discipline to the principal while allowing the assistant principals to administer daily discipline activities. This allows campuses to focus on building a culture of responsibility that will assist in preparing our students for the responsibilities and expectations of their future.
Teacher Certification and Appraisal Requirements
TEC §21.003 states: A person may not be employed as a teacher by a school district unless the person holds appropriate certification or permit issued as provided.
TEC §21.352 states: In appraising teachers, each school district shall use: (1) the appraisal process and performance criteria developed by the commissioner; or (2) an appraisal process and performance criteria.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Strategy #5 We will offer educational programs of choice that will nurture students’ unique talents and promote global citizenship.
Current Challenges
This law inhibits the district’s ability to hire professionals as needed.
Scope of Exemption
● The ability to locally certify educators in hard-to-fill positions.
● The ability to hire instructors for specialized offerings, potentially in a part-time position.
● The ability to evaluate and appraise those non-certified teachers in specialized programs using a locally developed evaluative tool.
Staff Development
TEC § 21.451 states: Required annual training for all educators. The staff development provided by a school district to an educator other than a principal must be conducted in accordance with standards developed by the district; and designed to improve education in the district.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #3 We will equip teachers with the resources, training, and time necessary to achieve our strategic objectives.
Current Challenges
Lack of local control to customize training to employee needs.
Scope of Exemption
BISD will develop training commensurate with experience, job responsibilities, and demonstration of mastery knowledge with pre-assessments.
Class Size Management
TEC § 25.111 states: Each school district must employ a sufficient number of teachers certified under Subchapter B, Chapter 21, to maintain an average ratio of not less than one teacher for each 20 students in average daily attendance.
TEC § 25.112 states: Except as otherwise authorized by this section, a school district may not enroll more than 22 students in a prekindergarten, kindergarten, first, second, third, or fourth grade class.
TEC § 25.113 states: A campus or district that is granted an exception under Section 25.112(d) from class size limits shall provide written notice of the exception to the parent of or person standing in parental relation to each student affected by the exception.References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #1 We will design an engaging and challenging curriculum that develops each student’s ability to read, write, think, and defend.
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Current Challenges
Lack of local control to make decisions based on the unique needs of the individual classroom and campus.
Scope of Exemption
Upon exemption, BISD will not file TEA waivers when class sizes in PK-4 move above 22:1.
Minimum Minutes of Instruction
TEC §25.081 states: For each school year, each school district must operate so that the district provides at least 75,600 minutes of instruction, including intermissions and recesses.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Strategy #3 We will equip teachers with resources, training, and time necessary to achieve our strategic objectives.
Current Challenges
This law restricts the district from the flexibility necessary to allow for innovative scheduling that meets students’ needs.
Scope of Exemption
● Provide scheduling options for Burleson Collegiate High School and Crossroads High School to allow students to receive instruction and gain credits to meet their unique needs
● Provide opportunities for students to complete coursework necessary for graduation through Optional-Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) without waiver renewal through the Texas Education Agency
Transfer of Students
TEC § 25.0344 states: a district, upon request of a peace officer/parent or service member parent, shall transfer the peace officer’s child to another campus of their choosing.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Strategy #5 We will offer educational programs of choice that nurture students’ unique talents and promote global citizenship.
Current Challenges
Given the School of Choice options in BISD, compliance with this law has the potential to require removal of students already accepted into schools of choice or to place these students ahead of students who applied through the lottery system.
Scope of Exemption
BISD will honor these requests to the best of our ability using our current transfer and school of choice lottery process.
Ejection of Individuals from Facilities
TEC § 37.105 states: there are requirements to provide verbal and written warnings in order to eject unruly guests from campuses and school events.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #4 We will establish a college-going culture on every BISD campus that intentionally prepares students for future endeavors.
Strategy #5 We will offer educational programs of choice that nurture students’ unique talents and promote global citizenship.
Current Challenges
Current Challenges
There are instances when individuals’ behavior is so egregious or threatening that it is in the best interest of the district to eject an individual from district property to protect the safety and well-being of students, staff, and the community.
Scope of Exemption
This exemption applies to those circumstances when it would be a danger to the individual or others on district property to follow district’s practices of providing the notices required.
Ability to Suspend Students Below Third Grade
TEC § 37.005 states: a student “who is enrolled in a grade level below grade three may not be placed in out-of-school suspension unless while on school property or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property, the student engages in: 1. Conduct that contains the elements of an offense related to weapons under Penal Code 46.02 or 46.05; 2. Conduct that contains the elements of a violence related under Penal Code 22.01, 22.011, 22.02, 22.021; or 3. Selling, giving, or delivering to another person or possessing, using, or being under the influence of any amount of: a. Marijuana or a controlled substance, as defined by Health and Safety Code Chapter 481, or by 21 U.S.C. Section 801 et seq.; b. A dangerous drug, as defined by Health and Safety Code Chapter 483; or c. An alcoholic beverage, as defined by Alcoholic Beverage Code 1.04.
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #2 We will provide students with multiple avenues for specialized instruction and opportunities to advance at their own pace.
Current ChallengesIn situations where a student's behavior significantly disrupts the school's functioning, action must be taken to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the educational environment for all students. Some students require specially designed plans and support mechanisms to thrive in their learning environment. Providing a brief period of suspension can afford staff the time to develop appropriate plans and allocate necessary resources, ultimately serving the best interests of the student and the campus.
Scope of Exemption
Granting discretion in assigning limited OSS days allows schools to better address both school and student needs.
Extending Suspension Duration to More than Three Days
TEC § 37.005 states: suspensions “may not exceed three school days.”
References to the BISD Strategic Plan
Strategy #5 We will offer educational programs of choice that nurture students’ unique talents and promote global citizenship.Current Challenges
- Broadened Discipline Range: By lifting the three-day suspension cap, campuses gain flexibility in disciplinary actions, avoiding immediate recourse to placement in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP).
- Tailored Disciplinary Measures: Relief from this regulation permits more nuanced responses to student misconduct. In cases where a three-day in-school suspension (ISS) proves inadequate, but a DAEP placement appears overly severe, extending ISS duration provides a middle ground.
- Maintaining Campus Connections: Increased ISS days enable campuses to retain students on-site, fostering continuity in education by keeping them closer to their regular educators and support services.
Scope of Exemption
Current laws limit suspensions to three days, so campus staff encounter limitations in administering disciplinary measures for moderately serious offenses. Exemption from this mandate grants campuses the flexibility to retain students on-site, fostering proximity to their regular teachers during disciplinary actions, rather than defaulting to placement in disciplinary alternative educational programs. This shift towards a more expansive disciplinary toolkit reflects an innovative approach to student discipline, prioritizing individual needs while maintaining a conducive learning environment.
District of Innovation Process
Resolution: Jan, 2017
Public Hearing: Jan, 2017
Appoint Plan Committee: Jan, 2017 - Feb, 2017
Develop Plan: Jan, 2017 - Feb, 2017
30-Day Plan Notice Intent to Vote: March, 2017
Notification to Commissioner: March 6, 2017
District of Innovation Process
Board of Trustees Vote: March 27, 2017
Begin 5 Year Plan: Aug, 2017
Annually Reviewed
Reviewed and Approved by DEIC for Renewal: March 2022
Board Reviewed for Renewal: July 2022
Reviewed and Approved by DEIC for Amendment: October 2023
Board Reviewed for Amendment: October 2023
Reviewed and Approved by DEIC for Amendment: April 2024
Board Reviewed for Amendment: April 2024
Reviewed and Approved by DEIC for Amendment: December 2024
Board Reviewed for Amendment: December 2024