• Welcome to the BISD Cheerleading Home Page!

      Find all the information you need about upcoming tryouts and the Burleson ISD Cheerleading Guidelines, Constitution, and tryout packet. 

    All applicants must print their own tryout packet and turn it into their home campus by Monday, March 10th. 
    All tryout material for BISD HS & MS Tryouts will be posted on this website on March 6th. All candidates are to learn the material on their own.
    CHS & KMS Tryout Meeting- 2/12 CHS Seminar E  6:30 PM
    BHS Tryout Meeting- 2/20 BHS Lecture Hall 7:00 PM
    HMS Tryout Meeting- 2/27 HMS Cafeteria 6:00 PM
    BISD Sparkle- Special Abilities Cheer Info Meeting- 3/3 BHS Lecture Hall 6:00 PM
    Cheer Tryouts are the week of March 10th-14th and each campus will give details to their specific tryout at their tryout meeting. 
    Thank you for your interest in the BISD Cheerleading program. We wish you the best of luck.
    Victoria Butler- BHS Head Cheer Coach/BISD Cheer Coordinator
    Tessa Harbin- CHS Head Cheer Coach
    Christy Holladay- HMS Cheer Coach
    Courtney Fairchild- KMS Cheer Coach