Teacher Incentive Allotment Overview
Rewarding Teacher Excellence in Texas
House Bill 3 (HB 3), 86th Legislature, included massive increases in teachers' pay. The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was established by HB 3 with the goal of effective classroom teachers earning a higher salary. TIA allotment funds help Texas school systems reward, retain, and recruit highly effective teachers. The funding formula prioritizes high needs and rural campuses.
HB 3 established the Teacher Incentive Allotment to recognize effective teachers on three different levels: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts in order for them to reward their top performers.
Teachers earn designations through two different pathways.
- First, National Board Certified (NBC) teachers are eligible to earn a Recognized designation, any certified teacher can work on NBC.
- Second, districts may designate their effective teachers when their local teacher designation system is approved. The approval process is multi-step and includes the submission of a system application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and then a data validation process through Texas Tech University.
TIA builds upon the success of past national incentive programs while removing previous barriers to success.
An informational video about the Teacher Incentive Allotment:
Cohort E Timeline: Phase 1 - Approved Local Designation System
- July 2021: BISD Local Designation System Development Phase 1 Plan Begins(Pre-K, K-10 Reading/Math and 5th/8th Science (CLI and MAP))
- April 15, 2022: BISD Local Designation System Application Due to TEA
- April 25 - May 14:Texas Tech University Teacher Survey
- June 2022: Application Accepted from TEA regarding BISD Local Designation System
- August 2022 – June 2023: Data-Capture Year for BISD using Circle and MAP data
- August 2022: BISD Local Designation System Development Phase 2 Plan Begins
- April 2023: BISD Local Designation System Expansion Application for Phase 2 Due to TEA
- October 2023: Data and Teacher Designation recommendations due to Texas Tech University (TTU)
- Late February 2024: Final Approval and Notification from TEA and TTU
- March/April 2024: TEA provides a list of eligible TIA designated teachers
- April/May 2024: Final Designation and Allotment Notification from TEA
- May/June 2024: Designation payout to TIA teachers
- The process now follows the Cohort F Timeline: Phase with Data Collection, Data Submission, and so forth...
Cohort F Timeline: Phase 2 - Pending Approval
- April 15, 2023: BISD Local Designation System Application Due to TEA: Phase 2: 6th and 7th Grade Sci- MAP
- July 2023: Application Accepted from TEA regarding BISD Local Designation System
- August 2023 – June 2024: Data-Capture Year for BISD using Circle and MAP data (Phase 1 and 2 Data Collection)
- October 2024: Data and Teacher Designation recommendations due to Texas Tech University (TTU)
- Late February 2025: Final Approval and Notification from TEA and TTU
- April/May 2025: Final Designation and Allotment Notification
- May/June 2025: Designation payout to TIA teachers
Cohort G Timeline: Phase 3- Pending Approval
- April 15, 2024: BISD Local Designation System Application Due to TEA: Phase 3: Various Courses- Edgenuity Pre-Post Test
- August 2024: Application Accepted from TEA regarding BISD Local Designation System
- August 2024 – June 2025: Data-Capture Year for BISD using Circle, MAP, and Edgenuity data (Phase 1, 2, and 3 Data Collection)
- October 2025: Data and Teacher Designation recommendations due to Texas Tech University (TTU)
- Late February 2026: Final Approval and Notification from TEA and TTU
- April/May 2026: Final Designation and Allotment Notification
- May/June 2026: Designation payout to TIA teachers
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I move into a TIA-eligible assignment after the beginning of the school year, will my student data be collected?
No. For TIA data collection, the teacher must have the same students and teaching assignments for the beginning and end of the year for student growth data collection.
This would also apply to a teacher who moves out of a TIA-eligible assignment.
I am being submitted for a TIA designation, what happens if I leave my teacher role or leave the district?
If a teacher is pending a designation, they must meet TEA's eligibility requirements and be an active employee to be awarded the designation.TEA will notify districts in late February to inform them if their TIA data passed validation to award designations. A district that passes validation will verify that the pending TIA teachers meet the statewide eligibility requirements of:- Being employed by the district as a teacher in a student-facing instructional role.
- Meet TEA’s creditable year of service requirement and be compensated for 90+ days at 100% of the day or 180+ days at 50% of the day.
Once a designation is awarded, it is valid until it expires. Every year, TEA will verify each active designated teacher’s district, campus, and eligibility before allotment funds are sent to districts. -
I am a TIA Designated Teacher. When will my TIA Allotment, or Stipends be paid out to me?
Our goal is to pay TIA designation allotments/stipends in the May or June paycheck of each year.
Per our compensation manual:TIA compensation is an annual allotment provided by the State and subject to the availability of state funding allocations.
Current TIA-designated teachers will receive TIA compensation based on their TIA designation and TIA state funding for their campus of assignment at the time TIA funds are disbursed. For teachers who have already earned a TIA designation, the payment will be after the February Winter Class Roster and before August 31st.
Other teachers designated as high-performing by Burleson ISD will receive TIA compensation before August 31st based on TIA state funding for their campus of assignment at the time TIA funds are finalized. Amounts will vary depending on the number of TIA-designated teachers employed at the campus per TEA.
Compensation will be distributed before August 31st, provided all information is received per TEA’s published timelines. -
I heard from another district that I must maintain my designation status of Master the following years, or at least have to qualify for recognized in order to continue to get the Master level distinction. Is this true?
Per TEA, a designation cannot be submitted for a lower designation. However, districts have the discretion to decrease payment amounts or other stipulations if a teacher's performance decreases.
Several districts have expectations and requirements in place to ensure that designated teachers maintain their high status since TEA requires all data to be submitted yearly. This helps ensure that districts designate high-performing teachers based on their approved designation systems and ensures that TIA is used with fidelity and not as a way to increase a teacher's pay. Also, districts must ensure that if they are audited by TEA they will not have findings that could harm their designation approvals.
BISD has been and will continue to analyze data to ensure our teachers maintain high standards. If we begin to see a drop in our data, we will have to review our plan to make adjustments as needed.
Can I take my TIA designation with me to any school within or out of Burleson ISD? If so, how would that affect my annual designation payout?
We hope that all BISDTIA teachers stay with us, but yes, once a designation is earned, it follows the teacher as long as they remain in a teaching position. A TIA payout can change. TIA allotment amounts are based on a TEA formula that factors in campus demographics and rural status. It is also based on a district compensation plan. Here at BISD we do not retain the 10% for district use or split a teacher's allotment with other staff within their campus. Our goal is to retain our staff. If a teacher chooses to leave BISD, they are encouraged to check a district's TIA compensation plan to understand their TIA funding and to review the TEA TIA Funding Map.
My school will be tier 1 next year, once the new dollar amounts come out for each level does my dollar amount change? Example, this year the allotment is $7,000 for Exemplary at my campus. What if next year it increases to $8,500, does my amount go up with it?
Yes. TEA reviews student demographics and campus rural status each year to determine allotment amounts. So, a designation amount can increase or decrease each year. I have seen a change in funding within the last couple of years for BISD campuses. This is why funding is given as a one-time payment in May or June for our teachers.
I am currently an Exemplary designated, if I get Exemplary again this year does my new designation change to the end of the 7/31/2029 school year rather than the original 7/31/2028?
No, a designation will remain as is unless the teacher's data moves them up a level, then the five-year clock will start over. For example, Recognized >Exemplary, Exemplary > Master, or Recognized > Master.
The ideal situation would be for a Recognized teacher to move to Exemplary next year, 7/31/29, then the following year move from Exemplary to Master, 7/31/30. This would allow the designated teacher to have a designation for seven years vs. five years.
Remember, a teacher would want to provide high student growth and T-TESS data to remain a designated teacher each year, or at least no less than Recognized. This shows the fidelity of our TIA system. To sum up, a designated teacher (Recognized, Exemplary, or Master) should remain within these parameters each year.
I am a BISD designated teacher, do I have to qualify each year to receive the TIA allotment funds?
Eligibility Requirements for Designated Teachers to Continue Generating an Allotment:
Yes. To generate funds in future years, teachers with an active designation must remain employed in a teacher's role (087 Role ID in PEIMS) as of the last Friday in February and meet the creditable year of service requirement. TEA defines a creditable year of service as employed and compensated by a Texas school system in a teacher role (087 role ID in PEIMS) for at least 90 days at 100% of the day or 180 days at 50-99% of the day, or the equivalent of one semester.
If I leave BISD at the end of the school year does my TIA data go with me to my new district?
No. TIA data collection and submission is only for active employees with BISD.
TEA has a two-year retention system for TIA districts. This means that year one is data collection and year two is when a designation is awarded to an active employee. At the end of year two, if a designation is awarded, it will remain on a teacher's educational certificate for five years.
Current TIA eligible employees should contact Ann Marie Shelton if they are planning on leaving BISD.
When will other content areas be added to the BISD Local TIA Designation system?
Other content areas will be added to our TIA expansion application as the student growth measures for those content areas are identified, validated and reliable. Student Growth measures guidelines can be found on the TEA TIA website: Examples of Student Growth.
If you would like to discuss student growth measures options within your content area, please reach out to Ann Marie Shelton.
Can a teacher exclude a student from their MAP or Circle testing data?
All students on a teacher's roster will count for student growth measure data collection, as long as the student has a beginning-of-year and end-of-year MAP test.
General Information
HB 3, 86th Legislature, included a massive increase in teacher pay. The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was established by HB 3 with a stated goal of a six-figure salary for teachers. TIA allotment funds help Texas school systems reward, retain, and recruit highly effective teachers. The funding formula prioritizes high needs and rural campuses.
Districts can now create compensation plans based on teacher effectiveness and student equity. This new model creates a path for outstanding teachers to earn a six-figure salary–thus, reducing the desire for highly effective teachers to leave the classroom.
TIA builds upon the success of past national incentive programs while removing previous barriers to success. (Texas Education Agency (TEA), n.d.)
What is a designation?
The three designation levels are Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. Which are placed on a teachers SBEC teaching certification and last for five years.
What prompted the development of a designation system?
BISD has decided to implement a TIA program in an effort to ennsure that all of our teachers have the same opportunity to access this state-funded stipend thorugh a local designation system or National Board Certification program.
How is the TIA designation system being developed?
BISD will form cross-functional teams and committees for the creation and design of a TIA local designation system. The teams will engage with stakeholders to implore feedback and input throughout the process.
Helpful Links and Information:
BISD TIA Compensation Plan: Spending Plan
Texas Education Agency website: TIA State Website
Information for Texas Teachers: Texas Teachers
TEA TIA Allotment Funding MAP by Campus: TEA Interactive Funding Map
National Board Certification website: NBC Information
National Board Certification Fee Reimbursement: NBC Fee Reimbursement
For BISD Staff, you can find more information within the BISD Staff Portal, under the Teacher Incentive Allotment icon. The TIA icon contains surveys, informational videos, and other information. You will also find our TEA application and BISD Local Designation system scorecard.
If you have additional questions regarding Burleson ISD Teacher Incentive Allotment, please send an email to annmarie.shelton@bisdmail.net .
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- Ann Marie Shelton