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- Advanced Academics
BISD Advanced Academics
Advanced academics are educational programs designed for students with high abilities to move at a pace appropriate to their rate of learning in studies that go beyond grade-level expectations. They include depth, complexity, provide acceleration, and address the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of the students.
Advanced Academics Overview
Academic Acceleration
Acceleration is an educational intervention that moves students through an educational program at a younger than typical age or faster than usual rate. Academic acceleration can include single-subject acceleration, whole-grade-skipping, early-entrance to college, credit by examination, Advanced Placement, and dual credit courses.
Advanced Placement
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program, sponsored by the College Board, offers highly motivated and capable high school students an opportunity to take college-level courses at the local high school. Courses are offered in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, foreign languages, art, and music. AP courses are open enrollment and participation is based on course prerequisites as indicated in the course guide. In addition to all Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, a wider range and greater depth of content is taught, with an emphasis on higher-level critical thinking skills as well as provisions for creative and productive thinking. The students are required to complete independent as well as guided research. Upon successful completion of the course, the student receives high school credit.
AP courses offer admissions officers a consistent measure of course rigor across high schools, districts, states, and countries. All AP teachers, no matter where they are teaching, must provide a curriculum that meets college standards. When admissions officers see “AP” on a transcript, they have a good understanding of what you experienced in a particular class and how well it prepared you for the increased challenges of college.
Burleson ISD students enrolled in AP courses are expected to take the AP exam that accompanies the AP course in which the student is enrolled. Costs of these exams are the responsibility of the student; however, financial assistance may be available.
If the student takes the associated AP exam, advanced placement and/or college credit may be awarded upon college entrance. Colleges and universities have policies regarding how much credit and/or advanced placement will be received for a given score on an AP exam, including any courses from which the student will be exempted or any higher-level courses the student will be allowed to enter. Currently, more than 90 percent of colleges and universities across the country offer college credit, advanced placement, or both, for qualifying AP Exam scores. These credits can potentially save students and their families thousands of dollars in college tuition, fees, and textbook costs. Before taking AP exams, students should check college websites about specific advanced placement and credit policies. Additional information about credit policies can be found at the COLLEGE BOARD'S AP CREDIT POLICY SEARCH page.
AP exams may be administered to home-schooled students eligible to attend school in Burleson ISD. Contact the campus AP Coordinator before October15 to register. See the calendar for AP exams in the link above.
Credit By Exam
Credit by Exam for acceleration provides a way for Kindergarten through grade five students to take a test to move ahead one grade level. For secondary students, Credit by Exam provides advanced students an opportunity to earn credit in a course that they have NOT taken in school. Students must be enrolled in a Burleson ISD school in order to be eligible for Credit by Exam for acceleration testing and must be attending classes.
Please contact your school counselor for more information and to request an exam.
Credit by Exam for Acceleration Grades 1-5
Credit by Examination for Acceleration (without prior instruction) is available to first through fifth-grade students who wish to test for advancement to the next grade level. Information about Kindergarten acceleration (skipping Kindergarten) is available from elementary counselors.
Elementary students must take exams in Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Students must demonstrate mastery of 80% or higher on each test to be eligible to take the next test. Students who meet the following criteria will be accelerated:
1. The student scores 80% or above on each of the criterion-referenced tests in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies for the grade level he or she wishes to advance.
2. A school district representative recommends acceleration of the student.
3. A parent or guardian approves the acceleration of the student.
Credit by Exam for Acceleration Grades 6-12
Students in grades 6-12 who wish to earn credit for a course in which they have had no prior formal instruction may test through credit by exam. Students must demonstrate 80% or higher mastery on the ENTIRE course exam in order to earn credit.
Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment
Burleson ISD maintains a dual credit partnership with Hill College. Dual credit courses are college courses that also count toward high school requirements. These courses may be taken at the high school (or at the college) during regular school hours and are taught by a high school teacher with appropriate credentials or by regular college faculty. Successful completion of the course can earn high school credit as well as college credit. Students in the dual credit program experience the rigor of college-level courses and acquire the confidence to succeed academically and socially in the college environment. Recent data shows that students who complete dual credit experiences are more likely to persist in their second year of college at both two and four-year institutions in Texas compared to their peers who did not participate.
Through a partnership with the University of Texas at Austin, Burleson ISD offers OnRamps courses at Centennial High School. The OnRamps innovative dual-enrollment program brings rigorous courses aligned with the high standards and expectations of The University of Texas at Austin. Students are enrolled in a yearlong course facilitated by an OnRamps trained and certified high school teacher. During the first half of the course, OnRamps students complete a series of required assignments that are designated by the Instructor of Record at the University of Texas to determine eligibility to be dually enrolled in the university course. Students who successfully complete the high school version of the course receive credit from their campus. In addition, students who successfully complete the spring college course receive three Texas Common Core credits from the University. *These credits are guaranteed to transfer to any public college or university in Texas.
Course offerings may vary by campus, so interested students should contact their school counselor for more information.
Gifted and Talented Education
Burleson ISD programs for gifted and talented students provide instructional opportunities to meet the unique needs of students with significantly advanced general intellectual ability and/or subject matter aptitude in language arts, science, social studies, or mathematics. Opportunities are available throughout Burleson ISD for the development and enhancement of creative, artistic, leadership, and specific academic giftedness.
College Entrance Exams
Burleson ISD annually administers the PSAT 8/9 to 9th-grade students and the PSAT/NMSQT to 10th and 11th-grade students in order to best prepare them for taking the SAT. Students may share their scores with Khan Academy, the official partner for preparing for the SAT. Burleson ISD additionally administers the SAT to 11th-grade students in the spring.The PSAT may be administered to homeschooled students eligible to attend school in Burleson ISD. The 2024 Digital PSAT/NMSQT will be administered to homeschooled students at Game Development Design School on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. To register your 9th-11th grade homeschooled student, please complete the form available here beginning September 1, 2024. The deadline for completing this form is September 15, 2024. At that point, you will be contacted by the campus testing coordinator with more details. Your student will need a College Board account to take the test. You can set up that account here. -
Additional Resources
Burleson ISD is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act. If you would like additional assistance or have accessibility concerns, please contact us at or 817-245-1000. We are always striving to improve the accessibility standards of our website.