Burleson Collegiate High School
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Monday - Thursday
8:45 - 10:20 Period 1 (Daily Announcements 8:45-8:55)
10:25 - 11:50 Period 2
11:50 - 1:20 Period 3 Lunch/Tutorials
9th and 11th Grade Lunch
10th and 12th Lunch
10th and 12th Grade Tutorials
9th and 11th Tutorials
1:25 - 2:50 Period 4
2:55 - 4:15 Period 5
Friday/Non-college Days
8:45 - 9:35 Period 1 ( Daily Announcements 8:45-8:55)
9:40 - 10:20 Period 2
10:25 - 11:05 Period 3
11:10 - 11:50 Period 4
11:55 - 1:55 Period 5 Flex (Lunch/Tutorials/Clubs)
9th and 11th Grade Lunches
10th and 12th Lunches
All Grade Levels in Clubs
10th and 12th Grade Tutorials
9th and 11th Tutorials
2:00 - 2:40 Period 6
2:45 - 3:25 Period 7
3:30 - 4:15 Period 8
Official Attendance Time Monday-Friday is at: 9:30 am (must be submitted 9:25-9:35 am)