About Hughes MS
Hughes Middle School is the home of the Huskies. We are located in Burleson, Texas. We inspire and educate students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade.
About Pauline Hughes
Pauline Guggolz was born in Gatesville, Texas on October 5, 1910. Her family had vision and worked to make their vision reality. Both sets of grandparents came to America from Germany so their families could enjoy a better life. Her parents labored through college. Inspired by this legacy of visionaries and through her own scholarship and resolve, Miss Guggolz enrolled in the University of Texas at Austin in September 1927. However, marriage to J. Lyndal Hughes in 1933 caused her to set new goals and dream different dreams. She became a devoted wife, homemaker, and mother for the following twenty-three years. Her earlier vision regarding a teaching career was not realized until 1956, when she received her Bachelor of Science Degree with teacher certification from the University of North Texas.
In 1957, as her husband accepted the position of superintendent of the Burleson Independent School District, Mrs. Hughes gave up a teaching position with the Keller ISD to accept a position teaching mathematics at Burleson Middle School. As a teacher, Mrs. Hughes set new goals and had new visions. She tried to “instill in all (her) pupils….respect for authority,….appreciation of the beautiful,….dependability and self-respect as qualities contributing to a worthwhile life.”
Former students, peers, and friends attest to how she lived her philosophy through diligence and love. She is remembered as a teacher who was very knowledgeable in her subject and a model of those human values, which come from a strong moral and spiritual foundation. Her teaching went far beyond the transfer of content. Believing a “worthwhile life” results from personal accomplishment and a sense of self-respect, Mrs. Hughes planned lessons to motivate students to be academically successful. Her students’ energies were always constructively employed in the learning as she challenged them to push beyond “average”, beyond the mere “expected” level of accomplishment. Teaching was a mission to Mrs. Hughes, and her influence was felt far beyond her classroom. Her lessons are mirrored in and through the lives of former students, particularly those who now teach. They remember her as, “everything a teacher should be.”
Pauline G. Hughes taught fourteen and one-half years – a relatively brief time for a career teacher. As she battled a terminal illness in 1969-1970, the board of trustees announced the newest facility in the Burleson ISD would be named in her honor. She never saw the completed structure, but the Pauline G. Hughes Middle School was dedicated to her memory in the fall of 1970.

316 SW Thomas Street
Burleson, Texas 76028
Office number: 817-245-0600
Fax number: 817-245-0611
Office hours: 7:45am - 4:05pm
School hours: 8:15am - 3:45pm