About Taylor Elementary
Jack Taylor Elementary is home to just under 550 students in grades PreKindergarten through 5th. Taylor is the district bilingual campus for elementary students who qualify for enrollment in a bilingual program. At least half of our students, composed of students from our attendance zone as well as from all over the district, and staff are bilingual and curriculum is provided to the bilingual students in Spanish & English languages. The other half of our students receive English only instruction. Although we have two different instructional designs in one building, we are all Taylor Texans!
Mission Statement
Our mission at Taylor Elementary is to promote quality and rigorous educational opportunities in order to strengthen the whole child and to encourage all students to be life-long learners.
Our vision at Taylor Elementary is to instill good citizenship to prepare, motivate, and encourage each student to become productive members of a global society.
Learn the Taylor Creed! / Aprendanze el Credo de Taylor!
Somos Familia
You are valued
I am Respectful
Vivimos con integridad
Aprenderemos Mucho
We are Taylor | Somos Taylor
P: 817-245-3200
F: 817-447-5841
Monday to Friday
From 7:40 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
400 N.E. Alsbury Blvd.
Burleson, TX 76028