Requirements to Apply
For information regarding the school of choice process, please visit Choice Schools & Programs
Enrollment is open to all applicants who reside within the Burleson Independent School District boundaries. Because we are part of the Burleson Independent School District there are no tuition fees or academic requirements. However, there is no bus transportation available.
Lottery Application Procedure
Parents will need to complete an online application for each child they wish to enroll to be included in the lottery process for enrollment into the Academy at Nola Dunn at CHOICE.BURLESONISD.NET.
Parents are required to have a valid email address in order for the application to be processed. Once you are at the registration site you will be prompted to set up an account where you will answer several questions pertaining to that child. Please note that if you are applying for more than one child you will need to create an account for each one.
Parents are NOT required to attend an informational night (in past years this has been a requirement). All families that are selected through the lottery process will be asked to attend a school tour. These school tours will take place in the spring. **this is NOT required, but is recommended** The tour dates will be shared at a later time.All applications submitted on-line by this date will be processed by a lottery drawing.
There will be school tours scheduled after the lottery closes for those who have accepted their application.
For more information about our campus, please click on the link to the presentation below.
LINK to Nola Dunn slideshowConfirmation of Enrollment: Parents will receive acceptance letters via email by the first week of February. If the program exceeds the number of seats designated, a waitlist will be created.