Hajek Elementary School Day Routine

  • 555 NE McAlister Rd,Burleson,Tx 76028 (817)245-3700  Fax:(817)447-4921 Principal:Alan Sypert Assistant Principal:Jessica Wade

    elementary school  

    Hajek Families:  We have some changes this year!                

    Hajek Elementary School Day Routine:

    Parents, we are excited to announce that we are implementing Restorative Practices at Hajek Elementary!  Restorative practices are positive school climate strategies intended to cultivate a culture in which everyone feels like they belong.  These practices build a sense of connectivity, care, and community in which every member (student, teacher, staff member, and parent) feels that they are seen, heard, and respected. 

    7:15..........Gym doors open with staff supervision. (Prior to 7:15, there will not be adult supervision and students must wait outside.)

                     Students may go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

                     Those arriving after 7:35 will be served Breakfast in a Bag. 

    7:30..........Warning Bell that class will be starting soon.

    7:40..........TARDY BELL Students are expected to be in the classroom ready to learn at 7:40. 

      The district sets the time by the World Clock Standard. Your car clock may not be accurate.
                     If a student is tardy, an adult must accompany the student into the office.

    3:10...........Dismissal Time: Students must be picked up by 3:30 as we do not have staff available to supervise after 3:30 because of meetings and tutorials.