Our houses create families within a family, allowing all students to feel a part of something and find support when needed. Also, these houses serve as a vehicle for emotional and social support that act as a learning community for our STEAM students. It is our goal that the members of each house become very close-knit and help support and encourage their fellow house members. The structure allows for healthy competition, camaraderie, and the excitement where students have hundreds of individuals supporting them and working towards a common goal.
Our STEAM Middle School students belong in one of the following houses: Reveur, Kawani, Biruda, Mzushi. Reveur translates to "dreamer" in French. Our Reveur (Blue) house members embody the following characteristics: imagination, creativity, inspiration, and ongoing high expectations. Kawani(Purple) means "courage" in Sundanese. Our Kawani house members are courageous, brave, accomplished, adventurous, and fearless. Biruda is "builder" in Japanese. Our Biruda (Red) house members are leaders, designers, creators, flexible thinkers and hard workers. Mzushi (Orange) translates to "innovator" in Swahili. Mzushi house members are driven, vibrant, curious, spontaneous, and creative. Our newest house, Wodzala (Green), is representing the color green as it is Chichewa for "grower". This will further STEAM's mission of creating empowering learning through achievement and growth for all students.
Within a house, our students share common colors/themes, chants, hashtags, and a unique sense of culture. Each house in broken in to smaller families which meet every Wednesday during "Family Time". During this time, families participate in restorative circles, mindfulness activities, digitial citizenship, service projects, and more. Houses also compete for house points to hearn high school dress days each week. Points can be earned when students are "caught" doing acts of kindness, cleaning common areas, and adding value to our school.
At STEAM, we believe that no one should travel the journey of learning on their own. Therefore, we are committed to shared growth in the above characteristics through the positive school culture developing among and through our houses.