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December & January 2025 Hajek Teachers of the Month

Our December Teacher of the Month is... Emily Kline!  You all said: " Mrs. Kline is handling her new role as a BASE teacher with such grace. She is managing the challenges and shows great resilience. We are so lucky to have her!" "Emily is a friend to all and a blessing to the kids in her class (whether they know it or not). She is smart, caring, kind, and has immeasurable patience."

Our January Teacher of the Month is... Candice Key!  You all said: "She is fantastic and patient with her kids." "She is an excellent Team Lead and an amazing Mentor. Anytime I have a question, she has an answer. She is always so positive and her students love her." "She is a wonderful advocate for her students and her team.  She is so good at building relationships with her families."